How To Play Bingo includes several variations of the game Bingo. The most popular version is what we call Classic Number Bingo. This is the Bingo game most people have either heard of, seen, or played. This game uses numbers along with the letters B, I, N, G and O. Other variations can use different numbers, math equations and even words.

The general rules and procedures for Classic Number Bingo and a few variations which we provide card makers for are described below.

Classic Number Bingo

Classic Number Bingo Card
Figure 1 - Classic Bingo Card

Classic Number Bingo is played with a card as shown in Figure 1. The card is a grid of five columns and six rows. The top row is filled with the letters B, I, N, G and O. Each column is designated one of these letters usually arranged into the word BINGO.

Each column has five different numbers except for the N column which has four because the middle square is usually a free space. Each square in the B column will contain one of the numbers 1-15. The I column will contain 16-30. The N column, 31-45, the G column, 46-60 and the O column will contain one of the numbers 61-75.

We provide an endless supply of bingo cards with our Free Printable Classic Number Bingo Card Maker. The link is provided below.

You also will need a call sheet or some way to randomly call the letters and numbers. The way they are called is, for example, B-1, O-66, N-37, etc. Many people who play bingo use numbered balls. They mix them up and draw them one by one. On this website, we provide free printable call sheets as shown in Figure 2 below. They can be used in a similar manner by calling the numbers down the columns or rows. Our call sheet makers shuffle the numbers so each call sheet generated is different.

Figure 2 - Classic Bingo Call Sheet

The final thing you need is some way to mark the called squares. This can be done as easily as using a pen or marker or you can use a coin or some type of similar marker. We provide free printable markers that you can print and then cut them out to use. The link to the free markers is shown below.

Once you get all of your bingo materials, you need to decide who is the Bingo Caller. This is the person who will call the numbers from the call sheet. This person also will be the one to verify all winning cards.

Now you are ready to play bingo. The Bingo caller starts the game by calling the first numbers. If they were to call B-6, for example, you should check your card in the B column to see if you have the number 6. If you do, you place a marker on that spot. The game continues in this manner until someone calls Bingo! To call Bingo! you must cover any five squares in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The free space in the middle counts as one square and you can immediately place a marker on that square.

There is also a variation with this game sometimes called Blackout. The idea here is to not only cover 5 squares to win, but to cover the entire card.

Links to Classic Bingo and Printable Markers:

Animal Bingo

Animal Bingo is a game in which the words used for the bingo card are the exact same set of words used for the call sheet. This variation is great for young children. It is very simple and easy to understand, yet just as fun.

Animal Bingo Card
Figure 3 - Animal Bingo Card

To create cards and call sheets, all you have to do is enter a set of words one time or use the pre-loaded animal names. Then you can print cards and call sheets separately using these same words. Figure 3 shows a Bingo card with animal names entered into each square. Figure 4 below shows a call sheet with the same entries.

Figure 4 - Animal Bingo Call Sheet

To play, the Bingo Caller will just go down the call sheet list saying the animal names. The players will place a marker on the animal name that is called.

The winner is the first player to get 5 covered squares in a row. The Animal Bingo Card and Call Sheet Makers have animal names already pre-loaded and ready to print.

Link to Animal Bingo:

Animal Bingo Cards

Bingo cards pre-filled with
animal names to create animal
bingo cards and call sheets.

Math Bingo

In the following description of Math Bingo, the formal meaning of an equation like (2+2=4) includes both the expression (2+2) and the expression (4), but for our purposes, we refer to an expression like (2+2) as the equation and the expression (4) as the answer.

Figure 5 - Math Bingo Call Sheet

For Math Bingo, we have filled the squares of the Bingo Card with answers and simple equations. For example: (6x7=42). The equation (6x7) is entered into the Bingo Call Sheet as in Figure 5. The corresponding answer (42) is entered into the Bingo Card shown below in Figure 6.

Math Bingo Card
Figure 6 - Math Bingo Card

There are textboxes at the top of the page to enter all of your equations and answers. To create cards and call sheets, all you have to do is use the pre-loaded equations and answers or enter your own set of equations and answers. Then click or tap the buttons below the card and call sheet to shuffle the numbers and to print.

To play this variation of Bingo, the Bingo Caller would call an equation from the call sheet, for example, (6x7). The players would complete the equation and see where the answer, (42), is on their card. When they find it, they can mark that square. This can be played the same as Classic Bingo with the first player covering 5 squares in a row being the winner.

Link to Math Bingo:

Math Bingo Cards

Bingo cards pre-filled with simple
equations to create math
bingo cards and call sheets.

Personalized One Word Version

The personalized one word version is similar to the Animal Bingo Cards. The difference is that the personalized version is not pre-loaded with anything. This allows you to make the cards easier if you don't have 24 words or numbers. The empty spaces are already filled with Free Spaces. The Personalized One Word Version uses one set of 24 words for both the cards and the call sheets. They can also be loaded with numbers and/or equations as well as words.

Using animal names like our Animal Bingo Cards is one example of this type of game. You can use any set of words that you like for this game.

The rest of the game is essentially the same as other bingo games with the first player covering 5 squares in a row being the winner.

Link to the One Word Version:

Personalized Bingo Cards
(One Word Version)

Use words to create cards using
the same set of words
for cards and call sheets.

Personalized Two Word Version

The personalized two word version is similar to the Math Bingo Cards. The difference is that the personalized version is not pre-loaded with any equations or words, just a Free Space in every square. This version uses two corresponding sets of 24 words, one set for the cards and one set for the call sheets. They can also be loaded with equations as well as words. You must enter a word for the bingo card and a corresponding word for the call sheet. If you don't enter corresponding pairs of words or equations, it will not work properly.

An example is a game using verbs, past and present tense. The Bingo card could be filled with past tense verbs. The call sheet for this game could be filled with corresponding present tense verbs. The Bingo Caller would call out a present tense verb on the call sheet such as "give". The players place a marker on the square which has the corresponding past tense verb which in this case is "gave".

You can use any matching or corresponding sets of words for this game.

Link to the Two Word Version:

Personalized Bingo Cards
(Two Word Version)

Use words to create cards using
two different related words
in the cards and call sheets.

Custom Bingo Card Markers

Don't forget your bingo markers! This page will let you make markers for all of the bingo games on this website. Most of the bingo games here will use the larger markers for large bingo cards. There are also smaller markers available for the smaller classic bingo cards.

You can add a custom message or name to your bingo markers and they are available in five different colors.

Link to the Custom Bingo Card Markers:

Custom Bingo Card Markers

Make Your Own Markers

Add your text to make
custom bingo markers

For any questions, comments or suggestions, please Contact Us.

Enjoy your free bingo cards!